Happy new season, Dear Ones,
Noticing how many of us appear to (understandably) be acting from a place of fear recently, and knowing that giving credence to fear a) separates us from our true nature, and b) weakens our immune systems, please let the following rhetorical questions serve as this week’s integration tip:
1) Is it possible that our view of the world is only a paradigm, and that even the things that we believe have been proven might also be subject to paradigmatic blinders or misinterpretation? In fact, hasn’t this always been the case?
2) Is it possible that everything is indeed fundamentally well, and, hence, that we can relax, trust, and abide in abundance, contentment, and joy in each moment and under any circumstances, even if those circumstances might happen to include the presence of emotion?
3) Is it possible that emotions arise in order to heal through simple awareness?
Getting a little more timely...
4) As Béchamp theorized (and with which Louis Pasteur is purported to have concurred on his deathbed), is it possible that microorganisms take up residence in the body subsequent to a pre-existing unhealthy condition in order to help us to heal it and are, hence, not only incidental to a condition rather than the cause but actually beneficial instead?
5) If this was indeed the case (and there does seem to be ample evidence for it in spite of the prevailing dogma), then, rather than going to war against perceived invaders, wouldn’t our work would be to continue to create conditions of overall health with ongoing confidence in our immune system?
6) Could we then praise microorganisms for coming to our aid and welcome and observe the healing that occurs? Might there be legitimacy in the holistic view that acute conditions like flus are often a sign of a chronic condition transforming into something manageably acute, whether for an individual or for a community, and wouldn't this then be cause for celebration?
7) And might it also be true that, as Einstein suggested, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe”?
Regardless of any paradigm one might happen to subscribe to, could there ever be any reason not to do our best to create conditions of overall health? Please always know that I’m here to help us all to do just that!
In support of fully functioning, intelligent bodies, as always,
Further reading:
The effect of fear on the body: https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/impact-fear-and-anxiety
The effect of fear on executive functioning: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/leading-emotional-intelligence/201104/where-did-my-iq-points-go
Béchamp’s “terrain theory”: http://maronewellness.com/pasteur-vs-bechamp-an-alternative-view-of-infectious-disease/
Some evidence of Pasteur’s fraudulence: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/325129.The_Private_Science_of_Louis_Pasteur
Noticing how many of us appear to (understandably) be acting from a place of fear recently, and knowing that giving credence to fear a) separates us from our true nature, and b) weakens our immune systems, please let the following rhetorical questions serve as this week’s integration tip:
1) Is it possible that our view of the world is only a paradigm, and that even the things that we believe have been proven might also be subject to paradigmatic blinders or misinterpretation? In fact, hasn’t this always been the case?
2) Is it possible that everything is indeed fundamentally well, and, hence, that we can relax, trust, and abide in abundance, contentment, and joy in each moment and under any circumstances, even if those circumstances might happen to include the presence of emotion?
3) Is it possible that emotions arise in order to heal through simple awareness?
Getting a little more timely...
4) As Béchamp theorized (and with which Louis Pasteur is purported to have concurred on his deathbed), is it possible that microorganisms take up residence in the body subsequent to a pre-existing unhealthy condition in order to help us to heal it and are, hence, not only incidental to a condition rather than the cause but actually beneficial instead?
5) If this was indeed the case (and there does seem to be ample evidence for it in spite of the prevailing dogma), then, rather than going to war against perceived invaders, wouldn’t our work would be to continue to create conditions of overall health with ongoing confidence in our immune system?
6) Could we then praise microorganisms for coming to our aid and welcome and observe the healing that occurs? Might there be legitimacy in the holistic view that acute conditions like flus are often a sign of a chronic condition transforming into something manageably acute, whether for an individual or for a community, and wouldn't this then be cause for celebration?
7) And might it also be true that, as Einstein suggested, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe”?
Regardless of any paradigm one might happen to subscribe to, could there ever be any reason not to do our best to create conditions of overall health? Please always know that I’m here to help us all to do just that!
In support of fully functioning, intelligent bodies, as always,
Further reading:
The effect of fear on the body: https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/impact-fear-and-anxiety
The effect of fear on executive functioning: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/leading-emotional-intelligence/201104/where-did-my-iq-points-go
Béchamp’s “terrain theory”: http://maronewellness.com/pasteur-vs-bechamp-an-alternative-view-of-infectious-disease/
Some evidence of Pasteur’s fraudulence: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/325129.The_Private_Science_of_Louis_Pasteur